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The Faith Advisory Council for Community Transformation (FACCT) is a 501(c)3 organization comprised of a core group of faith and community leaders creating a culture of collective impact through motivating, mentoring and mobilizing the capacity of religious, community and government stakeholders in San Bernardino County and the greater Inland Empire region of Southern California. We are committed to improving services dedicated to promoting healthy, revitalized and sustainable community transformation.
The FACCT serves as the coordinating agency for developing collaboration and partnerships between local government, community and Faith Based Organizations (FBOs) seeking to access resource development and technical assistance to provide services to our communities’ most vulnerable populations. We accomplish this by expanding the capacity of our membership partners in addressing the needs of our local communities. The FACCT will identify which FBOs are best prepared to assist our local government agencies and coordinate trainings for those partners who are committed to repositioning themselves to participate in the cause of community transformation.
The FACCT deploys an educational toolkit designed to train FBOs and lay leaders on how to partner with government, collaborate with other organizations, and expand capacity around social service provision to our communities’ most vulnerable populations and low income families which may include the formerly incarcerated. The FACCT will include FBOs from all regions of the county.
For more information on our services click below.

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