Anthony Bravo - Committee Member
Anthony A. Bravo. A professional, afforded the privilege and honor of serving in the United States Armed Forces as both a Non Commissioned Officer and an Officer. After twelve years of exceptional training with some of the world’s finest individuals and teams Anthony felt the Lord leading him towards a change in career. He transitioned from preparing Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Airmen for the real world threats facing our country to preparing America’s youth for the rigors of life through mentorship and academic excellence.
Recruited by Azusa Pacific University, Anthony utilized his experiences towards managing the expansion of Azusa Pacific University’s High Desert Regional Center, a private nonprofit university with a Christian emphasis; located in Victorville, California. Anthony continues to work with High School students, adult learners, and graduate students in assisting them in earning their degrees of choice. He has taught as a Junior ROTC instructor and a Special Educator in the K-12 public school setting. He has provided instruction on concepts of management and leadership, the Military Decision Making Process, accountability of logistics, financial workshops, and strength based team dynamics.
He is currently working on a Special Education Credential with a Masters in Digital Teaching and Learning. His focus continues to be on the youth who wish to serve in the United States Military. When he is not working at APU or spending time with his wife, Dr. Karina Bravo he is focused on preparing young adults for entry-level requirements needed to be successful in the Armed Forces.